rehearsing catastrophe: the ark in sydney
All Our Relations Biennale of Sydney, Cockatoo Island, Sydney, NSW 2012
Installation of boat hull, audio of boat building sounds, video works and masks plus 13 performances by volunteers.
An installation comprising the hull of a huge boat with audio of boat-building. A small office continuously plays a video portrait ‘Milijana’, a description of an actual escape from Sarajevo during the war there.
Performances take place daily on 13 occasions through the 3 months of the exhibition. Volunteers wearing very home-made animal masks arrive with personal luggage and wait in a queue for 40 minutes. On other occasions, video in the office show other groups gathering.
Ark constructed by Jeph Neale
Masks constructed by lyndal Jones and Hilary Jackman
Sound by Chris Knowles
Video documentation by Stephen Jones
Lyndal Jones undertook a residency with the National Art School, Sydney